Omid Banyasad

Omid Banyasad is a computer scientist and engineer with a knack for story telling, in particular historical fictions. He weaves anecdotes and stories he heard as a child with fiction to bring to life new stories.

His debut novel, The Deserter of Alamut, tells the story of a young shepherd that after being subjected to unfathomable injustice during Seljuq's rule becomes a feda'i in the fortress of Alamut. Fast forward a thousand years, he narrates the story of two heroines in modern day Iran going on an adventure to protect a national treasure relic.

Omid is also the creator of a social platform for indie authors and story enthusiasts.




پیدا شدن جواهرنامه، که به گفته فرید عطّار نیشابوری آن را با دست خود نابود کرده، موضوع پژوهشی مناسبی برای پایان نامه سارا به نظر می‌رسد. وی که با کمک گلاره، دوست دوران کودکی خود، به محل پیدا شدن جواهرنامه رفته است، به زودی در‌می‌یابد که این کشف ناگفته‌های بیشتری در باره آنچه حماسه پرچم نامیده می‌شود دارد. سوداگران آثار باستانی به این باورند که جواهرنامه کلید پیداشدن یک یادگار کهن است. سارا و گلاره با این گمان که آنان در پی ربودن این یادگار هستند، راسخ می‌شوند که آن را پیش از سوداگران بیابند. هیچ چیز سارا و گلاره را دلسرد نمی‌کند. ارنواز و شهرناز توانستند از تخت جمشید در برابر سپاه ضحاک دفاع کنند، چرا آنان نتوانند یک یادگار ملی را از گزند سوداگران پاسداری کنند؟

Deserter of Alamut


The character of a man is influenced more strongly by the manner of his upbringing than the formal education he receives later in life. Just as there are exceptions to every general belief, so too there are exceptionally audacious men who constantly re-examine their beliefs and broaden their outlook on life. All such exceptional men deserve to be extolled for their audacity in dislodging the props from their conventional dogma, yet not all should be held in equal esteem. Those who could have been easily absolved of not exhibiting exceptional traits, despite their intrinsic inclination, on account of having understandable emotional burden should be held in the highest esteem. Such men deserve to have their stories told.

Set in the 12th century Iran, when assassins of Alamut are the most feared secret militia fighting the ruling Seljuqs and the caliph in Baghdad, The Deserter of Alamut tells the story of such a man.

Fate is nothing but the past in the future. It is only an excuse for inaction.

Omid Banyasad

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